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Astrology of November 2023

Important Dates:

November 8: Venus moves into Libra

November 10: Mercury moves into Sagittarius

November 13: New Moon in Scorpio

November 23: Sagittarius Season

November 24: Mars enters Sagittarius

November 27: Full Moon in Gemini

We had a chaotic October full of cosmic upheavals. The Eclipses may have brought sudden and unforeseen changes. Have you been able to go with the flow? As October comes to an end, we are presented with the chance to put what we have learned into practice.

November starts off shrouded in mystery and darkness. It is currently Scorpio Season, which is a powerful time. The veil between the worlds is thin as we move into November 1. Celebrations like Halloween, Samhain, All Saints Day, and El Día de Los Muertos celebrate those who have passed on. We could get visits from ghosts and ancestors, or more importantly we can choose to honor and celebrate those that have come before us. Magic and intuition are powerful at this time.

On a more metaphorical level, we could be visited by things from our past or subconscious. This is a time of uncovering things that are hidden, diving into the subconscious and the shadow self coming to light. This sounds scary, but really, we should be embracing our shadow. Working together with those darker sides of ourselves can help us to get rid of what we no longer need, accept every part of ourself and reach our highest self.

On November 8, Venus is moving into Libra. Here, Venus is at home, making it strengthened. This transit promotes harmony and fairness. We’re not feeling combative and prefer a win-win situation. It’s a great time for relationships of all kinds, though we might feel very optimistic about love.

Imbalance in relationships will be obvious, however. Don’t let Libra’s idealistic nature make you gloss over problems when it comes to relationships! It’s best to communicate and not let your feelings bottle up. Use the Scorpio energy that is present to find a balance in keeping it cool and feeling intensely, since Libra loves seeing things from both sides.

As Mercury moves into Sagittarius on November 10, we start feeling open-minded. We can be open to new concepts, ideas and we’re inquisitive. We want to expand our knowledge about a wide variety of topics. We’re looking at the bigger picture.

Though be careful, because we are more gullible during this time. Combined with the less combative nature of Venus in Libra, we could be twisting to do things that we don’t truly want. We should be sure to stand firm in our beliefs and morals.

On November 13, the New Moon moves into Scorpio, bringing about these new beginnings that we may have made room for during Eclipse Season. The Taurus Eclipse opposed Scorpio, bringing balance to the two energies. This Scorpio New Moon may inspire us to follow our passions, so long as we remember what they are.

This New Moon in Scorpio conjuncts Mars and opposes Uranus in Taurus. So while we want to move toward a new beginning, the energy isn’t all calm and serene yet. It could be erratic. We could experience a sudden breakthrough, or something disruptive that could unfold through the rest of this lunar cycle. Mars is in Scorpio, so we can expect this energy to be very present during this time. We’re invited to channel this intense Mars energy wisely. We’re reminded to be responsible when it comes to our power.

We move into exciting Sagittarius Season on November 23. Sagittarius brings out our inner adventurer. We will feel more curious and open-minded. Knowledge will be key, and we aren’t afraid to search in different places to find the answers. We will be ready to change up our routine, pursue different outlooks and educate ourselves. We could be feeling more optimistic, with an enthusiastic and positive outlook on life.

As Mars moves into Sagittarius on November 24, this energy is just as intensified. We can start feeling restless. Part of us resists direction, instructions and planning ahead. That’s because we’re feeling the adventurous influence of Sagittarius. There’s a tendency to jump in and think later. We start projects with excitement, though we may not stick to one thing.

About three weeks before Mercury moves into Retrograde, it begins to slow things down. On November 25, Mercury enters its Pre-Retrograde Shadow. We may begin to get a preview of what is to come. This is when technical glitches and miscommunications begin to pop up. We could get clues about the emotional work too. Whatever comes up, pay attention to how you cope with it.

On November 27, there is a Full Moon in Gemini. This Full Moon is about communication, attitude and sense of adventure. The Gemini Moon exactly opposes the Sagittarius Sun, which means that we’re being encouraged to embrace the balance of these energies. Gemini Moon encourages us to think logically, and Sagittarius encourages us to think more broadly.

During a Full Moon, we start to feel fulfillment in what was started during the New Moon. It brings illumination into our lives. But it is also a time of great emotions. Something has been building inside of us and now is the time where the energy demands that we let it out. We will discover what that means for us. We can’t sit on our feelings and need to express them. It’s time to express ourselves and let things out of our system. We will want to exercise care while doing so, knowing that what is coming out might not be rational yet.

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