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Beauty and Perfection: Venus in Virgo 🌹


On October 8, Venus will enter Virgo, staying there for one month, until November 8. Explore the more practical side of love, and new ways to better yourself.

Venus is the planet of love, pleasure and beauty, while Virgo is a sign of logic, practicality and organization. It is said that Venus is in its fall with Virgo, meaning it can struggle in this position. We can often use the wisdom of this sign to our advantage and find ways to learn from this difficult transit.

We have implemented the important lessons we learned from Venus’ Retrograde. Venus spent a long time in the fiery, dramatic sign of Leo. Moving into the more down-to-Earth sign of Virgo means that Venus might be taking in a refreshing, grounded breath.

Though Virgo’s energy is more grounded, it is anything but relaxing if we allow anxieties to manifest. With Virgo’s influence, as well as Venus opposing Saturn on October 10, we may feel like keeping other people at an arm’s length. A feeling of being unloved and dissatisfied can make it difficult to be close to others. Take time to think realistically and rationalize, because Virgo also does that best.

It can be a tough time sorting through the conflicting influences. It doesn’t mean things will fall apart, but that your understanding of relationships can become much clearer.

This transit brings a more serious vibe to all of our partnerships. We don’t have time for the ones that don’t live up to your highest standards. It’s time to answer the hard questions in our relationships, weigh the pros and cons about staying in a relationship. Virgo is all facts and less feelings, which can be helpful to cut out that person who isn’t good for you. Single people will see their standards at their height. Anyone that makes it through this trail is a keeper.

The shadow side of this position is being overly critical of our partners or relationships, picky, nervous, or worried. Be aware of what is really happening, versus what anxiety could be manifesting. Try making a pros and cons list and sitting still with your thoughts if we are struggling.

When the planet of love and beauty is in Virgo, we tend to express our love through practical means and gestures. Rendering services to others can fill a need, and can be an expression of love. This could also mean we show our boss we care by doing something such as staying late at work and really going the extra mile. This can also be a time when helping others, particularly with good advice regarding these Venus-ruled things, can be prominent and successful.

Virgo is also quite practical and mental, so what we purchase and the types of entertainment we enjoy during this cycle are ruled by whether or not they make sense and serve a practical purpose. It can be a good time to make a budget, consider what we have been spending money on just for the fun of it and if it truly benefits us or is an impulse purchase to bring momentary happiness. We could easily feel guilty if we are too self-indulgent, so just try to find that balance to ease guilt.

We could become interested in ways to enrich our lives and boost our well-being. This can be a great time to focus on your health, as well as to improve your personal appearance. Try a new skincare routine or hairstyle.

This transit will bring about a metaphorical cleansing of your relationships, but we may also want to do some physical cleaning and sorting. Throwing out old makeup, putting together donation bags of clothes, and doing a full clean on your apartment is a great thing to do.

October 22, Venus will trine Jupiter, which is good news within this tougher transit. This brings about a feeling that anything is possible. We have sorted through things that have come up, and now it’s easier to trust and our confidence is higher.

Toward the end of October, we have Venus trine Uranus, and then oppose Neptune. We’re ready to take risks in the romantic department, especially now that we know what our expectations are. We can also dream big about romance, pleasure, material items. Just remember the lessons of practicality from Virgo and don’t take it too far.

Venus in Virgo will bring a focus on the practical and the everyday. Use this time to make positive changes in your daily life and relationships. By the end of Venus’ transit through Virgo, we will be more confident and passionate about our relationships, our daily life and our finances.

Journal Prompts and Reflections for Venus in Virgo:

  • How do you express love and affection in practical ways? Do you or your partner appreciate acts of service, like doing chores or running errands for each other?

  • How can you balance your desire for improvement with acceptance and love for your partner or yourself?

  • Do you find that cleanliness and organization contribute to a sense of peace and balance in your life?

  • How are you prioritizing self-care and well-being in your daily routine? Are there new health or wellness habits you're incorporating into your life, and how are they affecting your relationship with yourself and others?



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