On October 28, there will be a Lunar Eclipse paired with the Full Moon in Taurus. Something has been building and it’s time to let it out. Everything feels bigger and larger than life during Eclipse Season.
Eclipses can be unsettling, but they also bring about much-needed endings and beginnings. We could be navigating through some difficult self reflection that will bring out what’s best for us in the long run.
Eclipses can be a sign of new beginnings, major life events, or a turning point in our life. They can be a reminder of powerful things in our life that need change. They can be a wake-up call to let go of what no longer serves us and make room for new beginnings. Something could end so that we can start new. Things could seem fated to happen, for better or worse. Take any messages, whether they are big or small, that you get from an Eclipse as non-negotiable and firm. The Eclipse wants you to have a new experience, so be open to change.
Be patient and open-minded. If we don’t like where we end up, we can make changes, but they cannot be backtracking. Eclipses are there to illuminate something in our life. It is there to protect and help us. Always be grateful for the truth, even when it’s hard.
The Full Moon can be helpful in highlighting our existing problems so that we can identify where we need to restore balance. Enlightenment can give us a great chance to explore our emotional needs, which can lead to more positive actions and decisions.
Eclipses come in pairs, and this is one of several eclipses that occur along the Taurus-Scorpio axis. This particular eclipse is the last in the series. Past ones have included:
November 2021 Lunar Eclipse in Taurus
April 2022 Solar Eclipse in Taurus
May 2022 Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio (Taurus’ opposite sign)
October 2022 Solar Eclipse in Scorpio
November 2022 Lunar Eclipse in Taurus
May 2023 Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio
This Eclipse serves as a final prompt, nudge or push to make improvements in Taurus and Scorpio areas of life or areas in our charts. Feelings of discontent can magnify. It’s a time to resolve matters, strike a balance, take a lesson and move on.
With the Full Moon in Taurus, we have the right energy to look to when life feels overwhelming, overstimulating, or just too much. Taurus energy helps you connect to subtle energies of nature, like the Sun on your face, the breeze on your cheek, and the ground under your feet to feel your center. As the Eclipse energy peaks in Taurus, we feel it soften us. We feel embraced and become a vessel for the overwhelming emotions brought on by Scorpio and Taurus Eclipse Season.
With the Taurus-Scorpio axis involved, this Lunar Eclipse presses us to look more closely at our needs, lacks and wants concerning the balance between Taurus-ruled and Scorpio-ruled areas of life.
Taurus wants us to find emotional fulfillment through the simple, tangible things in life, while the Scorpio draws our attention to complexities and mysteries. Neglecting either side of the axis will backfire. Ideally, we should find a balance between these two energies. This Eclipse is about awakening to enjoy the fruits of our labors and connect with our inner desire to take care of ourselves and our needs. While we should watch for stubbornness, some self-interest is healthy and necessary.
Our unmet or ignored needs may suddenly become apparent, leaving us in a state of crisis as we become acutely aware of them. Our anxiety may make us want to act quickly, but we should take a moment before we do anything so that we find a steady path and don’t lash out in anger. This provides us with an opportunity to explore our emotional needs within the context of the house polarity where the Eclipse occurs within our natal chart.
It’s time to level up in the finance and material world. Taurus opens up the view of our tangible realities, and joys. Intimate relationships are at the forefront, such as personal comfort levels and values and sexuality. Relationships could be challenged, broken, or strengthened around this time. Now is the time to address past patterns that have been preventing us from achieving personal fulfillment, particularly those related to sharing, possessiveness, comfort, and self-esteem.
The events, circumstances, and realizations that occur around the time of this Eclipse teach us that we need to reconnect with our physical natures and needs. To be content, we must recognize and accept our need to take care of ourselves and feel grounded and strong as individuals. Increasing our earnings could be a part of this, as could more effectively managing other personal resources, including our personal possessions, valuables, assets, and talents.
We can become aware of the areas in which we are over-relying on others, whether that’s emotionally, physically or materially, and where it’s come at the expense of our self-worth.
Whatever rises to the surface, whether it is emotional distress or difficult conversations with someone close to you, don't make snap judgments or decisions. The best way to refresh will be to slow down and tune into what we need moment by moment. We should leave room in our schedules for breathing room against unforeseen events. Refrain from big decisions until after Eclipse season, if possible. Clean, purge and release.
While we’re met with reflection and transformation, it will leave us feeling drained. We will need to reevaluate our life’s balance. Rest and relax as much as possible during this Eclipse weekend. The best thing to do is lay low and allow the universe to work its magic.
Journal Prompts and Reflections for the Lunar Eclipse in Taurus:
How does the energy of Taurus influence my life, particularly in terms of stability and security? What areas of my life need more stability and grounding?
Reflect on your self-worth and self-esteem. Are there any beliefs or patterns you need to let go of to enhance your self-worth?
Are there any changes or adjustments you need to make to improve your financial security?
What are your values and priorities in life, and are they aligned with your actions and choices? Reflect on any necessary realignments.
What are your long-term goals, and how can you take practical steps to bring them closer to fruition during this eclipse season?