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Mercury Retrograde & How to Survive It!

At the onset of May, you might have already started to feel the slowdown of life, projects and plans. As the planets shift, eclipses happen, and we start to experience more planetary retrogrades, you’ll be feeling crazy for sure! The greatest confusion will take part during the Mercury Retrograde.

Mercury is in Retrograde from May 10 to June 2, 2022! But what does it mean when Mercury goes into Retrograde?

Three to four times a year, the planet of communication, Mercury, appears to be traveling backward in the sky. Mercury goes into Retrograde more than any other planet!

The astronomical explanation for a retrograde starts with understanding the planets in our solar system orbit the Sun at different distances and speeds. We can observe planets moving across the sky. Sometimes from our perspective, it can appear that a planet has switched directions. It’s an illusion caused by the Earth’s relation to the planet. It only looks like the planet is moving backward.

Astrologically and spiritually speaking, Mercury is the planet of communication. This includes listening, writing, reading, and speaking. It also includes things related to communication like negotiations and contracts. It rules travel, cars, mail, shipping. Last but not least, it rules technology.

Mercury’s Retrograde always sends us into a tizzy! We experience difficulties with technology, our personal connections and communications get crazy. This time is typically associated with confusion, delay, and frustration. Think email blunders, messed up travel plans, and appliances on the fritz! Don’t make contracts, promises, start a relationship or launch anything new! If you’re in the mood for some ex drama, now is the time though.

It’s easy to blame Mercury retrograde for all the chaos that happens! This is a wonderful reflection period though. Intuition is high during this time and coincidences can be extraordinary.

The type of influence you feel can also depend on which zodiac sign Mercury is in when it goes Retrograde!

This Retrograde will be in Gemini from May 10 - 22.

It crosses into Taurus from May 22 - June 3.

Mercury is at home in Gemini when the sign is direct. When it’s in retrograde, you have an even more stereotypical experience. Communication issues, misunderstandings and gossip will abound! Be sure to ask yourself what words are and aren't beneficial to you. Be extra cautious of your mouth. Think before you speak!

Mercury in Gemini could shake up your social life. Think of accidentally saying something that hurts a friend’s feelings, sending the wrong date for a party. Really small details that could really change how someone feels about you.

When Mercury enters Taurus, you may find yourself being more stubborn than usual, not listening and double checking! It’s a good time to double-check over your finances. See if there is a place you can cut down on your spending.

Slow down. You may be finding yourself overwhelmed, overworking, or overcommitting. Make sure you’re taking care of yourself.

How can you benefit from Mercury Retrograde?

Because Mercury Retrograde means the planet looks like it’s moving backward, it’s beneficial to reflect and revisit things. Determine what is and isn’t working for you! Figure out what life strategies might work better.

It’s a good time to review the things that you put your energy toward. For example, if family and your hobbies are important to you, are you putting enough energy into those things? Or are you overextending at your job and with your friends? Losing balance can cause different parts of your life to suffer.

Mercury Retrograde can be a great time to be creative. Find a new outlet. Crafting with ideas from Pinterest. Try painting or grab an adult coloring book. Write or blog. You never know what you might learn!

Journaling is a great activity for Mercury Retrograde. It’s written, which is very Mercury! It’s a great way to navigate through your brain and find the things that are working for you and the things that might not be so great.Having a gratitude list can help you remain positive during the difficulties that Mercury might throw your way!

Shadow Work is also a really great thing to do during Mercury Retrograde. If you’re not familiar with witchcraft or spiritual self-reflection, you may not have heard of this before. If you’ve never heard of Shadow Work, I recommend looking it up. It can be a great chance to reflect on the darker parts of yourself, even the things that you don’t like, and learn to accept them or change them! It can be difficult though, so I recommend a treat afterward.

If you’re looking for an excuse to go a day without Social Media or to completely unplug, Mercury Retrograde is a great time to get away from technology and socializing! If you want to practice some mindfulness, what better way than to be away from those tiny screens we’re always glued to.

One of the best things to do during Mercury Retrograde is relax. Chill out with your favorite movie and warm cup of tea. Order in from your favorite restaurant and nourish yourself! Take a nice bath to unwind and decompress!

When Mercury is in retrograde, the best thing to do is remain flexible, patient and understanding. Allow extra time for travel. Check in with your reservations and tickets. Double check your email responses. Avoid signing any new contracts.

You could benefit from building a bit more time into your travel plans. Cars have trouble during Mercury Retrograde.

Review projects and plans, but wait until Mercury is direct again to make a final decision. You can’t stop your life, but plan ahead, have back-up plans and be prepared for people’s miscommunication.

Take a moment to reflect. It’s an excellent time to reanalyze who you are and what you’re doing. Just refrain from any drastic changes until after retrograde has ended.

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