When a planet appears to be moving backward in the sky, the visual backward motion is known as a Retrograde. Pluto’s backwards dance isn’t nearly as dramatic and chaotic as Mercury's Retrograde, but there is still plenty for us to look out for as it stays in Retrograde until October 8, 2022.
Pluto goes into Retrograde once every year. It spends nearly half the year in Retrograde, lasting five to six months. Pluto spends about 40% of it’s time in Retrograde.
It’s important to understand the themes of Pluto when it is direct. Pluto is one of the most intense and powerful planets. It brings attention to the darkness that lies in everyday life. Pluto’s associations are unpleasant, covering everything from death, abuse, control, meaningless loss, and the result of existential crisis. It can set off power struggles, toxicity and control issues.
The themes focus on our deepest selves, deep-rooted psychology, emotional wounds, and the subconscious. Pluto can deliver us from the brink of our subconscious, hanging over the deepest, darkest depths of ourselves. This is where we compile our dark, quiet, unpretty thoughts. This can feel very intimidating and uncomfortable to some!
It isn’t the most comfortable energy, but it is necessary when making changes and evolving.
Pluto invokes transformation. He has the unrivaled ability to break down structured existence. Pluto introduces us to the bleaker realities of life, like death and rebirth, destruction and regeneration. All things, even good things, people and places, must eventually meet their end. None of us escape from the grip of pain and loss as we go through life. Think of Pluto as a phoenix; burning everything down to rise from the ashes.
When Pluto is Retrograde, the effects are more internal, psychological and emotional. Pluto has been in Capricorn since 2008, meaning we’ve survived this sort of astrological event before. Because Pluto is a slow moving planet, transits from Pluto may last three years or more and can dominate entire years of our lives. If one of our natal planets is caught in the cross-fire of Pluto’s Retrograde stations, the effects can be particularly intense or long-lasting.
So what’s the main theme here?
During Pluto Retrograde, you might feel alone and isolated. You are given the opportunity to dive below to the surface to get better in tune with your psychic, subconscious material.
Old wounds can resurface. You will feel emotional for seemingly no reason and mentally drained. Use this theme of reflection to fuel your growth. It’s important to focus on positive change. You must stand your ground to leave behind the things that no longer serve you. Think thoroughly about situations you are put in and don’t react rashly!
Look at the ways you self-sabotage or get in your own way! Make those adjustments and ask yourself what is holding you back. Check your own toxic behaviors. Ideally, you might resolve your own compulsive and addictive behaviors.
Remember Pluto is all about facing our shadowy sides. Embrace your shadow self. Embrace this by owning your deepest and darkest depths of your soul.
Although its effects may take longer to feel, they are long-lasting. This astrological event is all about implementing change. You will get clarity on things that aren’t working for you so you can release them and move forward as an improved version of yourself. You must do the necessary work to transform during this time, or you can end up stuck in a rut!
Considering how long Pluto has been in Capricorn and how often Pluto Retrogrades, we’ve dealt with the associating themes before: business, structure, patriarchal concepts, karna, and stability. This could mean that it’s time to reconsider your spending or consumption habits. It could be time to look at the way you spend your work day. These are just a few general ideas.
This retrograde is happening right when we’re experiencing a Solar Eclipse in Taurus on April 30, which will magnify its effects. Also, Pluto will be forming a trine with Mercury in Taurus. A connection with Mercury and Taurus brings information to the surface. Remember how Eclipses reveal information through subliminal messages, and even gossip? With these major astrological events, big news could be delivered from all over!
It’s also important to check your natal chart!
This 2022 Pluto Retrograde will affect those with cardinal signs more than others; Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn. Don’t forget, this could mean your Sun Sign, but also your Moon, Rising and other personal planets.
Reflect on toxic dynamics with those in charge of your career. Look at how you’ve been fueling the fire instead of pointing fingers. Root out your negative patterns so you can step into your power.
Consider how your behaviors or thought process are inhibiting your long-term growth in your close relationships. Understand where you've been exerting too little or too much control in relationships.
You might be drawn to look back at your family dynamics. Therapy may be a great way to move through more deep-rooted issues. You could learn that you’ve held beliefs about yourself that aren’t true. It’s time to rewrite your story!
Harness your inner power. Whether it’s by gaining clarity on what is worth spending your time and energy on, or releasing yourself from misleading or toxic relationships. The challenges you face now could lead to long-lasting transformation.
Since this retrograde is happening in Capricorn, find which house is in Capricorn for you. Find if there are any planets there to amplify certain areas.
For example, I am a Cancer Rising, so my first House is in Cancer, making my Seventh House in Capricorn. This house is about partnerships, from close friendships to business partnerships to romantic relationships. Seventh House in Capricorn wants well-defined partnerships based on a steady structure. While relationships can be steady and trustworthy, these placements might also come off as cold or distant in their relationships. During Pluto Retrograde, it’s important to look at the ways the negative can be affecting my relationships. See if there is a place where I can improve on potentially toxic behaviors, like control.
My Descendant is Capricorn, which represents what I seek in others and what outlooks compliment mine. This represents where I can bring balance in my perspective. Questions to ask myself might be; Am I being too close minded? Are my thought patterns too self-centered? Are there repetitive patterns making me stuck?
My Moon is in my Seventh House, but it’s in Aquarius. It still may be worth reflecting on my emotions, since the moon is close to Capricorn and this is a time where deep emotional wounds might surface.
It’s also important to check where Pluto is in your chart.
Another example is that Pluto is in my Fifth House in Scorpio. Oh my!
Pluto is comfortable in Scorpio. This is a generation of investigators and truth-speakers. They are passionate and feel deeply. They are, at their best, brilliantly perceptive and understanding. They are already focused on personal transformation. It might be easier for me to find the patterns of this Pluto Retrograde, being in tune with Pluto’s darker, shadowy sides of life. Still, emotions will be high and darkness must not overtake the light.
The Fifth House is about self expression and joy. This house relates to child-like creative energy and playfulness. It is also about the fun, romantic fire of life. Pluto in the Fifth House can attract toxic relationships. It’s easy to become possessive and controlling with this placement. During this time it’s important for me to reflect and see if I am the one causing problems and how to rectify that. I can also take control and leave if it’s my romantic partner that is the toxic one. It’s also important to make sure I find the balance between too much distance and being obsessed with my lover. Pluto in the Fifth House, drives unconscious creative impulses. I can use my creativity as a form of transformation.
I certainly have a lot to think about!
If you need help interpreting your natal chart, contact me!
There’s no guarantee that you will feel the effects of this retrograde in an apparent way. Even if it’s hitting a key point in your natal chart, it’s important to remember you may notice the effects in more of a pattern or mindset, rather than someone outwardly obvious.
Pluto is slow. Don’t be afraid to take your time with the things that need change in your life.