Mercury Retrograde in Capricorn
December 29, 2022 - January 18, 2023
After a week of winter storms and interrupted holiday plans, Mercury promises to continue to scramble the beginning of our New Year.
Mercury helps to deliver your greatest potential from abstract to reality with action, transmission, communication and manifestation. Even though Mercury is the sign of logic, there’s a mischievous side to this planet that is more naughty than nice. You’re likely already feeling the effects of this retrograde! Retrogrades occur when, from our perspective, a planet appears to have switched directions. It’s an illusion caused by Earth’s relation to the planet. It produces that trippy feeling like being on a train and watching another in parallel motion. It feels like all the working mechanisms of your life slow down and fall behind. Most planets have retrogrades, but Mercury’s effects are often felt more strongly.
Mercury Retrograde always brings its old tricks and delays. This retrograde is taking place in the Earth sign of Capricorn. This sign is known for stability, which gives a semblance of order in this retrograde’s chaos. You will likely take a sobering look at your finances, ambitions and what’s holding you back. Capricorn gets a bad rap for ruthless practicality, but when Mercury rolls back into this sign, it gives a chance to break out of any delusions, limiting patterns and old belief systems. There is a will to problem-solve and put the pieces back together. You have time to build something real and sturdy from the ground up.
This Mercury Retrograde is conjunct with Venus on its first day, starting things off more gently. While Mercury’s same mischief will be present, this conjunction will soften the beginning of this Retrograde. Being the planet of love, beauty and connection, Venus brings a sense of goodwill and generosity. Even if Mercury’s Retrograde causes the words to come out a little wrong, it’s an endearing display of being human and a reminder to be patient with yourself and others. Maybe take this conjunction to gently contemplate what needs to come to an end for your dreams to take form. What obligations and wasteful behaviors are in the way of your future?
The Cancer Full Moon on January 6, followed by a sun-Mercury conjunction (or cazimi) on the 7th will make you feel like anything is possible. Just be sure to lay sturdy groundwork for it.
Mars has been in Retrograde in Gemini since October 30, and will return direct on January 12. It may take weeks for Mars to regain its speed, so heed this slower momentum. With two planets in retrograde at the start of this year, you can expect delays and mistakes. Don’t rush into this coming year and resolutions. Goals might be harder to sustain if you take on too much. Take on realistic goals with realistic timelines. Make this a time for clear-headed envisioning, beyond daydreams. Make a budget and get organized. Leaving room for rest is a must though.
Don’t put to fire any of the plans that you might come up with. Do as much behind the scenes work as you can, but don’t push it. Keep your responsibilities light until after the 18th. Take time to catch your breath and face your bullshit. Look ahead and take responsibility for your future.
How To Survive This Retrograde
Don’t Worry. Don’t fear retrograde. It’s temporary and worrying just makes it worse. Don’t put your life on hold! You can wait for some things, but otherwise, just be sure to be patient.
Be thoughtful and patient. Is it worth picking that fight, or are things better left unsaid and put in a journal? Focus on long-term effects. Actions in the heat of the moment rarely support your future well-being.
Expect delays and schedule extra time for everything. When things go smoothly, you’ll have extra time to relax and enjoy.
Double-check emails. Ask questions. Listen.
Don’t make big plans. Don’t plan events or purchase tickets during this time. If you must, leave room for adjustment on the schedule.
Don’t plan for big launches or major changes to the way you do things during this time if you can help it. It’s not a great time for website, magazine or publicity launches.
It’s difficult for people to come to a decision during this time. Be aware that even if they do, it’s subject to change.
It’s not a great time to sign contracts or make verbal agreements. If you must do this, be sure to cross-check everything and be wary that things could still change.
Reflect. Notice what you naturally remember or return to during this time. It’s a time to tie off loose ends and make peace with the past.
2022 began with a Retrograde between January 14 and February 3, which partly took place in Capricorn. You can look over old journals, emails, and texts to remind yourself what was on your mind then. Notice if some things are coming back around for more understanding or healing. Find out what you’ve learned or resolved since then.
If you don’t notice any patterns, it’s still a great time to reflect on how you’ve grown over the last twelve months. Reflection is one of the best ways to use a retrograde. Acknowledge any lessons and your accomplishments to bring gratitude and satisfaction into the New Year.
Rest. Pause. Take deep breaths when you’re in doubt or frustration. Laugh at yourself when you make silly mistakes.
Your life won't come to an end if mistakes are made during Mercury Retrograde. There are just a few things you can do to make things easier. Being mindful and careful can go