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Venus in Leo Brings Passionate Love ❤️‍🔥

As Venus transits through Leo, our heart and ego will be on full display. On June 5, 2023 Venus entered the dramatic sign on Leo! This transit will last through October 8, 2023, so there is plenty of time to turn heads.

Venus, the planet of beauty and love will meet the fiery, passionate sign of Leo. This transit offers the opportunity to delve deeper into our creative selves, express our true desires and feelings, and to bask in the warmth of love and romance.

This transit brings a major confidence boost, spicing up your sex appeal and craving for romance. It could be a great time to revisit your values and needs when it comes to love. Love can be magnificent and grand during this transit.

Venus in Leo is about loving loudly and on purpose. Venus in Leo gives us the confidence to love openly and freely. This transit encourages grand displays of love and affection with dramatic gestures. People may feel more confident and generous while expressing their feelings. We feel encouraged to speak with our hearts. If you really mean it, say it! There’s no such thing as too much during this transit. It’s a time for grand gestures of love and generosity.

Venus in Leo can inspire you to spice things up if you’re in a relationship. This transit gives you a look at what your future could be like with your partner.

Venus also loves social interaction. It’s a great time to network, make friends and improve on existing relationships.

We need attention, acknowledgement, validation and admiration while Venus is in Leo. We have a desire to stand out, be remarkable, and feel special during this period. Leo will empower us to prioritize our passions and indulge in well deserved self-love.

We might feel more inclined to experiment with our style. Fashion may be more vibrant and flamboyant.

It can be a profitable time for contests, lotteries, parties, costumes, art dealings, and all things that have a golden glow. Generosity and warmth contribute to the ability to bring in the right resources.

You could be inspired to pick up where you left off with old projects. Leo might also bring out your inner artist. This transit will encourage you to put light-hearted fun and beloved hobbies at the top of your list! This creative spark can help us to express ourselves in new and exciting ways.

With the good always comes the bad. Balancing is important in every transit. The darker side of Venus in Leo might make us stubborn and prideful. A strong Leo influence can trigger issues of ego and self-centeredness. Be wary of prioritizing attention and validation to the point of conflict and drama. It could cause friction in your relationships if you don’t keep your cool.

Venus is associated with luxury and indulgence, which might tempt us to overspend. It could become hard to focus on your responsibilities during this transit of indulgence and pleasure. Just be sure to maintain balance and discipline!

Upcoming Venus Retrograde

Venus normally only spends a few weeks in each sign, so this four months is unusual for the planet of love. There is an upcoming Retrograde on July 22, 2023 that will make this transit last. Look forward to this time to help us identify a pattern or habit around love, intimacy, pleasure or beauty that we are ready to reclaim or heal.

While this transit will get the romantic and creative juices flowing, it could bring tension as you could revisit burned bridges during the Retrograde period.

Venus Retrograde invites us to look inward on how our relationships mirror the past parts of how we’ve felt love or unloved, nurtured or neglected. Some of this work can be difficult, but it offers the needed remedy to help your heart regenerate after past hurt.

For some, this transit will be a time of creative exploration and breakthrough. It can give us a chance to find a creative solution to problems as we look at things from a different perspective. Retrogrades always invite us to reflect and weed out any energy that has been holding us back.

Look forward to more information on how to navigate this retrograde around July 22!

June 5, 2023: Venus begins it’s transit in Leo July 22, 2023: Venus in Leo stations Retrograde

September 3, 2023: Venus in Leo stations direct

October 8, 2023: Venus leaves Leo and moves into Virgo

Rituals and Spells for Venus in Leo

Love Spells


Attract a passionate and confident love connection. Write down your intentions or the qualities you desire in a partner on a piece of paper. Burn it with the flame of a red or gold candle. Visualize yourself with the kind of love connection you seek.

Self-Love Spells


Create a sacred space with soft light and comforting smells. Sit or stand in front of a mirror and gaze into your own eyes. Speak words of affirmation and appreciation to yourself, acknowledging your unique beauty, talents and strengths. Anoint yourself with self-love oil, lotion or spray, symbolizing your commitment to nurturing your self-esteem and embracing your authentic self.

Creative Empowerment Rituals


Set up an altar for your creative pursuits, such as using paint brushes or musical instruments. Light vibrant candles with colors of red and gold. Envision your creative goals and aspirations, calling upon the energy of Leo to fuel these passions.

Glamor Rituals


Prepare a bath with ingredients like rose petals, essential oils, and bath salts. As you soak in the water, imagine a radiant aura surrounding you, enhancing your natural beauty and confidence. Envision yourself embodying the magnetic energy of Venus in Leo.


Use colors such red and pink in your makeup routine or clothing to represent the beauty and confidence this transit evokes.

Sun Rituals


Go outside during the day and find a sunny spot. Stand or sit with your face and palms turned toward the sun. Close your eyes, feel the warmth on your skin, and visualize the sun infusing you with confidence, vitality and love. Offer gratitude to the sun for its life-giving energy!

Journal prompts for Venus in Leo:

  • How can I express my love more confidently?

  • What are ways I can boost my self-confidence and embrace my unique talents and qualities?

  • What activities or hobbies make me feel vibrant, alive and connected to my desires?

  • How can I be more generous and warm in my relationships?

  • What role does admiration and validation play in my self-worth and how can I cultivate a healthy sense of self-esteem?

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