Eclipse Season is chaotic! They surprise us and shake up our routine. Eclipses’ are usually trying to get us to pay attention to areas we need to change in our lives. They change us whether we like it or not.
A Solar Eclipse occurs around two weeks before or after a Lunar Eclipse. Typically, there are two Eclipses in a row, but sometimes, there are more during the same Eclipse Season. Years with multiple Eclipses can be difficult!
Spring of 2022 brings two. April 30 brings a partial Solar Eclipse. May 15 brings a total Lunar Eclipse. Later in the year, we will have two more, but for now, we’ll focus on Spring.
Scientifically speaking, this is what an Eclipse is:
A Solar Eclipse is when the Moon stands between the Sun and Earth, blocking the Sun’s light.
For more info on where to view the April 30 Solar Eclipse and what it might look like, visit
A Lunar Eclipse is when the Earth stands between the Sun and Moon. The Moon reflects light from the Sun. During a Lunar Eclipse, the Earth cuts off the light from the Sun. The Moon disappears. A Lunar Eclipse is always on a Full Moon.
For more info on where to view the May 15 Lunar Eclipse and what it might look like, visit
Astrologically speaking, there is a lot to learn about Eclipses so hold on tight!
Things that can happen during the Eclipse Season:
Oftentimes, Eclipses will bring the news of a huge life event. The start of a business, a job promotion, business contract, or business partner. It could be a time of graduations or new paths of study. It could bring a baby’s birth, a marriage, an engagement, break-up or divorce. It could bring the sale or purchase of a new home or rental contract. You could get a pet, or have the loss of one. Even events like a vacation or work travel, party, meeting, or date can become monumental. The things that happen around an Eclipse could be a major turning point in your life. Things may seem fated to happen, for better or worse.
An important piece of information might be given accidentally. You might overhear something you weren’t meant to from a coworker or friend. You may accidentally see a text on your lover’s phone. No matter how you get the information, it will set off a domino effect that will force you to see things in a new light. It might be hard to believe that things are happening that you know nothing about or out of your control that could change the course of your life! Big or small, it will change things.
Sometimes, an important person will be removed from your life or your relationships could change. If your big change has to do with a person, Solar Eclipses tend to point toward masculine energy and Lunar Eclipses tend to point toward feminine energy.
Flaws in important systems in our life might be revealed, prompting us for a redo or a restart. Something ends in order for us to start new. We might be called on to give up something to move on to a new chapter in our lives.
You might feel emotional during Eclipse time, especially during a Lunar Eclipse. Eclipses can bring about sudden news, and it might take weeks to really understand the meaning.
Eclipses can show that you are much more capable than you assumed. You may receive the offer of a lifetime. Eclipses may open a door that was shut.
During this time it could feel like life is moving quickly.
The news or event from the Eclipse might come within the week of the Eclipse, not directly during the day it happens. Think back to what happened within the month if nothing happens. You may find that your Eclipse news came early.
If nothing happens to you, it could be a friend or family member. Someone close. It can depend on your chart.
How can you prepare for Eclipses?
Some important things to pay attention to are what sign the Eclipse falls in and what house.
Eclipses in the same element as your birth sign are typically friendly and helpful. The closer the Eclipse matches your Sun Sign, the better and more important. But an Eclipse does not have to fall in your Sun Sign or Rising Sign to affect you.
If you have a planet, or the Moon, at the same or in close degree to the Eclipse, pay attention to that planet, it’s placement in the chart, and the House that it rules.
April 30 brings a partial Solar Eclipse in Taurus.
A Solar Eclipse could bring new opportunities and bright new beginnings. The things that it brings are usually exciting and positive. A Solar Eclipse can stimulate a strong desire to take action. It’s important to know all the details and not jump to conclusions, especially where other people’s feelings and reactions might be. There is a difference between asserting ourselves from a place of knowledge and a place of blind, brashness. The latter will give a false sense of security.
The themes of an Eclipse can revolve around the sign.
Security will be important in this particular Eclipse. Being in the sign of Taurus, it will be an important time to strengthen your security and re-evaluate relationships with money or possessions. We could discover new ways to increase income and earning power. Considering what is making you feel fulfilled and happy is important. It’s a time to take charge of personal finances and possessions.
You could concentrate on feelings of self-worth and how we can increase that. You are being asked to get in touch with what we truly value and want in your life. Part of this is considering what no longer makes you feel worthy. Identify things that cause a false sense of security.
Taurus is the sign of luxury, hard work and reward. Taurus reminds you to get back in touch with the simple pleasures like savoring good food and indulging in fine wine, for example. Enjoy activities that bring you in touch with nature and our bodies too! Stop and smell the roses.
You might evaluate when you’ve been complicating your life with a love-hate attraction to predicament or conflict. Become more aware of what makes you feel comfortable and comforted. Knowing the things we truly feel comforted and pleased by improves our intimate relationships.
You might learn about the balance of give and take. You could be pushed to consider others’ values rather than expect them to share the same perspective. You may need to take steps in managing and handling shared resources with others, debts, and taxes more effectively. Consider whether you are contributing your share or earning what you deserve.
An intimate partnership could end or a source of money might end. These situations push you to recognize what you need to survive. You are in charge of your own personal growth. Invest in yourself, your talents, your ability to provide for yourself, and pursue goals that you truly value. There could be a focus on what you have built and whether you need to clear the way for a new project or relationship.
Major developments in personal areas ruled by Taurus in our charts are likely to occur over the next 3 - 6 months. Not everyone will feel this Eclipse with the same intensity. Those with personal planets that are activated by the degree of the Eclipse will be affected more strongly and on a personal level.
This Eclipse is close to the North Node of the Moon. Eclipses closer to the North Node feel easier, as we have a stronger sense of improving and growing. The Eclipse’s alignment with Uranus adds to the progressive theme.
We are challenged to be more sensible and conservative in our approach, but open to making fundamental changes. We should follow through on projects or situations we might have abandoned or considering dropping if we deem them appropriate and worthwhile. We may be dealing with some stubbornness from Taurus, both in others and ourselves.
It’s important to check out where other planets are to see just how good things could be!
This Solar Eclipse happens when Venus is tightly conjunct Jupiter in Pisces. Since Venus is the ruler of Taurus and the Eclipse is in Taurus, it’s particularly significant.
This Eclipse aligns with Uranus and harmonizes with Mars. We can get off to a great start mentally as we embark on new beginnings.
The added energy from the Pisces stellium (multiple planets being in Pisces), the Eclipse may bring change around beauty, art or love.
How to figure out how this might affect you
This Eclipse occurs at 10 degrees of Taurus. Look at anything in your chart that is within 2 degrees of 10 degrees of Taurus. Note this part of your life.
Major developments in personal areas ruled by Taurus in our charts are likely to occur over the next 3 - 6 months. Not everyone will feel this Eclipse with the same intensity. Those with personal planets that are activated by the degree of the Eclipse will be affected more strongly and on a personal level.
Leos also tend to feel Solar Eclipses more strongly, because the Sun is their ruler.
Look for Patterns
A similar Solar Eclipse happened on April 29, 2014. It might be worth looking back at what happened around this time to find patterns. Find themes that surrounded your life in the spring of 2014 to get a better understanding of what the Eclipse might mean for you.
May 15 brings a total Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio.
Lunar Eclipses tend to be much more emotional, bringing on final endings. They make us aware of a passage of time. They can make us sentimental. Memories and dreams tend to surface. A Lunar Eclipse can especially help you see the true character of someone close. It might not be a good thing.
Cancer tends to feel Lunar Eclipses more strongly, because the Moon is their ruler.
I went entirely too in-depth for this post, so I hope to do one that revolves around the Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio specifically.
Final advice for Eclipses
You should take news and signals, even gossip seriously during this time. Eclipse news can be delivered in a dramatic way, whether it’s obvious or subtle. Learn, investigate, and don’t ignore it. Sometimes you’re able to prepare yourself for difficult situations by paying attention to signals.
We cannot go back to the former situation after an Eclipse. This is the only way for us to make progress. Most of the time these changes happen instantly, but they can occur like a domino effect over the months with each Eclipse. Still, it’s often shocking news. Take any messages, whether they are big or small, that you get from an Eclipse as non-negotiable and firm. You must accept it and move on. The Eclipse wants you to have a new experience, so keep your eyes open!
If you suffer under an Eclipse, be patient and open-minded. If you don’t like where you end up, well you can make changes, but they cannot be backtracking! Eclipses are there to illuminate something in your life. It is there to protect and help you. Always be grateful for the truth.